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Welcome in the Alberto Carlo Blanc Museum!
The site's intent is to present the establishment of the Museum A. C. Blanc in Viareggio (Tuscany) through analysis of salt, exposure of specimens and a figure that has a positive effect on archeology and the excavation of Versialia: Alberto Carlo Blanc.
In addition, the museum is housed in one of the most significtive architecture for the city of Viareggio: Palazzo Paolina Bonaparte. The museum and the palace were thus a combination of knowing where it forms its own culture and knowledge.
If you want discover the secrets that are hidden within the walls of Palazzo Paolina and archaeological remains, all you have to do is to click on the section that you prefer. From some icons you can also access the shortcuts accessible navigation faster and easier. The site has been validated according to the standards XHTML 1.0 and CSS W3C. The site is fully cured by Giulia Lombardi, if you want to contact her, write to:giulialo23@hotmail.it Now we wish you a good navigation!!
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