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MuseumThe Museum of Prehistory and Archaeological "Alberto Carlo Blanc", founded in 1974 by local authority, was created to display prehistoric artifacts coming from archaeological zones of north-west of Tuscany (in an area between Magra and Serchio rivers).
In 1994, the exhibition took on the current features: sorted in the chronological order, it is introduced, in relation to each stage presented, by a wide environmental and cultural reconstruction that using of descriptive panels, pictures, dioramas, and plastic models .
All the traditional systems of communication are therefore widely used, and in an integrated way, to facilitate the visitors access to the presented data.Featured Museum Since its establishment, the Museum is the seat of an intensive and structured educational activities offered to schools in the district and conduct by a trained staff. Attention to users of school age is confirmed by some publications specifically dedicated to children, enriching the editorial services, very large and scientifically significant, curated by the Museum (from http://archeologiamedievale.unisi.it ). A wild preliminary section is devoted to methods of archaeological research, to the process of men, to the history and evolution of the environment in the Quaternary.
The presentation of the archaeological materials extensivity the simple step of contextualization to in order to be placed in geographical and thematic spheres. An example is represent to the section on the Upper Paleolithic (room 4): the lithic artifacts - not particularly abundant - extraced from Sand Quarry of Massaciuccoli, provide, in fact, an opportunity to open a "chapter" of the museum dedicated to the emergence of ' Modern man, to his physical characteristics, to the technology in 'lithic and bone industry, to the cult of the dead and the other manifestations of spiritual life.
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