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Room 1: l'origine dell'uomo

Room 1: The Descent of Man

The museum tour begins with a panel on the definition of archeology, with particular reference to the term prehistory, and methodologies of research. Following is a summary of the chronology Quaternary era , which shows the correlation between the major stages of biological evolution of hominids and the most important stages of cultural evolution. The acquisition of the standing and the 'bipedal gait was the first character typically human to make his appearance in the course of hominid evolution. At Laetoli in Tanzania have been discovered footprints dated to 3.75 million years ago, at which it is exposed to mold and are explained the process of fossilization and hypothetical reconstruction of which is the protagonist Australopithecus, the genus of the family's oldest hominid living collection of plants. One of the main consequences of bipedal gait was the disengagement of any motor function of hands made them available for the manufacture and use of instruments that characterize ' Homo habilis . Important cultural innovations, including the use of fire, are attributed to Homo erectus , a new species with more advanced physical characteristics of the former. First of this long period of human history, which is culturally defined Paleolotico Less are not, as yet, appeared in the territory of tracks related to the museum, although documented in neighboring areas of Tuscany and Liguria. Route of the next rooms Introudce a model of the territory, which are given all the prehistoric sites of interest.

Room 2: The Neanderthal's men

Room 2: Neanderthals

The oldest traces of human populations in Versilia and the Apuan Alps date from the Middle Paleolithic, during which spreads throughout the peninsula, the Neanderthal man.
In Room No.2 provides information of a general nature relating to the 'origin and evolution of this new human type, it shows the physical characteristics, the material and spiritual culture. Furthermore, the typology of stone tools is different from that of previous epche, it perfects tecninca chipping and retouching. The hunt is vital in the economy. Appear the first evidence of the cult of the dead, documented by the finding of intentional sepolutre mainly in the pit with the bodies in crouching position.

Room 3A/3B:Neanderthals

These rooms are devoted to the testimonies of the Middle Paleolithic in the territory a part of the museum. Human groups of this period, must have residence in the coastal plain of Versilia, as attested by the numerous instruments for such period collected in sand pits Massaciuccoli. In Room 3A illustrates a diorama, based on archaeological evidence, a hypothetical ricostrucione a scene of daily life of the Neanderthals who attended the caves of Pian di Mommio (Massarosa).
In the room 3B are however, exposed stone tools and faunal remains from this locality and from the Massaciuccoli's Quarries of Sand .

Room 4: a panel exhibition

Room 4:The emergence of modern

In the Upper Paleolithic, Neanderthal man was replaced by a new human form that has, by now, all the characteristics of modern man. Important are the cultural innovations that are introduced in both the material culture (manufacture of blades and strip, working bone and horn to get spears, harpoons, etc..) And in the spiritual culture. Very significant is the appearance of 'fine arts, documented both by small objects carved or sculpted, or representations made by the walls of caves.
There are few traces have emerged so far in our area, only between industries quarried marble Massaciuccoli was possible to distinguish, through an examination of types, a set of instruments for this period. Of riel is a small sculpture made from a ciottoletto of steatite which seems to represent a female figure.

Room 5

Room 5:Neolithic

The Neolithic match the cultural stages that are experiencing a profound change in lifestyles with the introduction of agriculture and the domestication and breeding of animals, and the man now becomes the producer of their food. This transformation is also accompanied by numerous elemnti concerning the material culture: the polished stone, ceramics and weaving.
These important innovations are devoted to the panels of the room with reproduction of the most significant artifacts, ceramic is more space devoted to the explanation of the technology used in prehistoric times, speigando the various operational phases. In the territory a part of the museum's documentation Neolithic is characterized, mainly, from ceramics late phase (late fourth millennium BC) from the site and caves Candalla all'Onda in Camaiore and sand quarries Massaciuccoli

Room 6

Room 6: The Copper Age

Another milestone is the discovery of metals, it is dedicated to a panel that introduces the path of the last sale. The age of the metal is divided into: Copper Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, in relation to the type of metal introduced later in handicraft production.
In north-west this time it is widely documented, especially graves, the funeral is always present, consisting of coarse pottery jars, cusps lithic arrow-points and awls made of bone and some rare dagger with brass. Are numerous materials exposed in this room provenientu from several caves of old people, Pian di Mommio and other areas dep territory of Lucca.

Room 7:The Copper Age

In this room there are two graves came to light, respectively, in the Cave of the old and in Hell Hole of Fate (North) of Pian di momma. The first is a young male in crouching position and accompanied by a rich.
The second has two skulls upside down: one male and one female, appear beside a vase tapered and long bones, probably it is a deposition that are linked to a ritual difficult to interpret.

Room 8

Room 8:The Bronze Age

The Bronze Age is divided into four stages: early, middle, recent and final, each with peculiar characteristics. A first panel of the exhibition introduces all'esposzione large amount of materials from our territory. Particular emphasis was given by the 'establishment of Candalla at Camaiore.
The exhibition illustrates the stratigraphic series highlighted in the excavations and the production of the various phases artigianel recognized. The documentation is ungrateful as a diorama that represents all the activities documented by the archaeological remains: the production in December eram, weaving, etc.
Exposure of complex, almost exclusively ceramic, follows that of two "closets" of bronzes that the combination of several metal objects intentionally deposited in a hidden place.
Showcase some findings coming from the town last Etruscan S. Rocchini (Massarosa).

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