The word comes from greek and means "speech" is the science that studies human cultures and civilizations of the past and their relationship with their environment, through the collection, documentation and analysis of the material traces they have left .
- Australopithecus
Australopithecus (genus Australopithecus) is a group of extinct hominids strongly correlated with the human race.
- Agriculture
Agriculture is the economic activity that consists in the cultivation of plant species. Primitive men began to cultivate plants and raise animals (the first were goats, sheep, cattle and pigs) around all 'VIII century BC C. Thus were born the peoples farmers - farmers.
- Blanc, Alberto Carlo
(1906 Chambery - 1960 Rome). Palethnologist, son of Gian Alberto graduated from the faculty of geology at Pisa. Has contributed to some discoveries at the Sand Cave Massaciuccoli in the Versilia area, using a method based on the chemical analysis of soil and the remains found therein.
- Blanc, Gian Alberto
Father of Carlo Alberto. Interested studies paleontolgia, founded the Italian Isitituto Human Palaeontology in Rome.
- Biped
It is the position of the hind limbs Homo Sapiems during its evolution. With the acquisition of the upright position and the disengagement of the hands, the man has thus begun to produce the lithic industry changed with the passage of time.
- Bronze (Age)
Indicates, with respect to a given society prehistoric or protohistoric, period characterized by the use (at least systematic and extended) of bronze metallurgy in Europe that specifically extends from about 3500 BC - 1200 BC . This could be based on local melting of copper and tin extracted from ores. P>
- Ceramics
Material which, at that time, was produced without a lathe. The basic material was clay containing small fragments of stone, minerals or organic substances. Fullfilling confined to cook an outdoor area, covered with twigs. Subsequently discovered the ovens.
-Copper (age)
The term refers to a period of prehistory regarded as a stage of transition between the Late Neolithic lithic industries of metallurgy and the newborn. In this age metals like gold, silver and copper are used as part of a secondary craft, while the bulk of the instruments remains of stone or bone.
- Exhibition
Public presentation of artistic, scientific and technical information, in this case the exposure of the museum is characterized by various artefacts from the surrounding area in Viareggio.
- Equipment
And 'the process undertaken to organize the various exhibits in the museum.
- Evolution
Is the phenomenon of change of the human species through the years, in which case we consider, for example, changes in physical traits, standing and developing the use of all the arts.
- Figurative Art
Regards the representation of recognizable images of the world around us, sometimes true and accurate, sometimes highly distorted.
It is the science that deals with the history of the earth, and with it the living, through the investigation of the sequence of events, physical, chemical and biological agents that have established during the time evolution up to this stage. < br />
-Homo Habilis
It is a hominid species belonging to the genus Homo presuribilmente appeared about 2.5 million years ago. It was one of the first to work the stone and use it to produce sharp objects to slaughter animals and feed.
-Homo Erectus
Most developed form of Homo Habilis , to him is attributed the discovery of fire, improved techniques of chipping, the development of hunting techniques and organization of living space.
-Homo sapiens sapiens
Appears between 35,000 and 30,000 years ago, has all the characteristics of modern man.
Adds to the cultural characteristics of the innovations of the past Homo Erectus: manufacture of blades and strip, working bone, horn and ivory, dissemination of ornaments, burial complex in the dead and appearance of visual art.
- Iron (age)
Period that begins in Italy around 900 A. C., characterized by the use of processing and metallurgy of iron.
- Metals (age)
Means that stage of human history characterized by the production and use of metals to make weapons, tools, ornaments. The age of metals can be divided in the Copper Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.
- Neolithic
This term indicates the age of polished stone, then later linked to the development / economical - cultural agriculture and livestock.
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- Hominids
Hominids are a family of primates, dating from the early Miocene, which belongs to the man.
- Paletnologia
It is the science that studies the culture of the prehistoric and proto-human civilization through the analysis of material finds. Subject of discipline are therefore only species of the genus Homo who have produced artifacts.
- Paleontology
Palaeontology is the part of natural history to study, through their fossils, beings lived in the geological past and their living environments.
Prehistory is conventionally referred to as the period of human history before the invention of writing.
It was the first time when it developed the technology with the introduction of the earliest human stone tools from different species of hominids (about 1.5 million years ago), and ending with the introduction of agriculture.
- Pliocene
It is an age that belongs to the classification of geological eras, covering the period between 5.2 million years ago and 1.8 million years ago.
-Pauline (Palace - villa) i>
See the Museum's A C. Blanc; villa built at the behest of Princess Pauline Bonaparte, Napoleon's sister. Dates back to twenties the 800, designed and built by Giovaanni Lazzarini.
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- Quaternary
Term for the period sotrico nearest
Subject of historic / documentary brought to light during a systematic search or an excavation.
-Copper (age)
The term refers to a period of prehistory regarded as a stage of transition between the Late Neolithic lithic industries of metallurgy and the newborn. In this age metals like gold, silver and copper are used as part of a secondary craft, while the bulk of the instruments remains of stone or bone.
- Stone tool
Means the production of man-made prehistoric stone artifacts, made from a pebble or a block of stone by chipping.