Average among columns
Variance among
Count value occurrences
Figure 1 gives the average among young people under 20 years from 1962
until 1998 calculated with the formula:
Χ =(1/n)*Sum(Xi)
Figure 1
Helsinki - Average of people under 20
years from 1962 to 1998
This tool calculates the variance s^2 of all objects of the selected
attributes. Descartes uses following formula:
Χ )^2
Figure 2
Helsinki - Variance of people under 20
years from 1962 to 1998
One of possible scenarios of group decision making supposes that the
group members individually analyze the space of options and then vote about the
options. Descartes includes tools that allow the person leading the process of
group decision making (facilitator) to analyze the results of voting. The vote
of each person can be stored as a column of a table with rows corresponding to
the options.
The system provides a tool for the facilitator of a group
decision making process. It automatically counts for each option the number
that people assigned to it (or, in other words, count for each row of the table
the number of occurrences of different values in a specified subset of
columns). The counts thus obtained can be visualized using all kinds of
displays available in the system.