Change from BSP version 0.3 to version 0.5 ------------------------------------------ Satanjeev Banerjee, Ted Pedersen, University of Minnesota, Duluth Program ----------------- 1. Salient changes: a. Support for n-grams, as opposed to only bigrams. b. Support for user-defined token definitions. c. Output format is different and explicitly demarcates tokens in the ngrams. 'Extended' output is also supported (see below). 2. New switches in version 0.5: a. --ngram => allows creation of ngrams with more than 2 tokens per ngram. Version 0.3 only allowed bigrams. b. --token => allows user definition of what a token should be for creation of ngrams. Version 0.3 had two fixed regular expressions: these are the defaults of version 0.5. c. --set_freq_combo, --get_freq_combo => allows user control on the number of frequency values to show per ngram. Version 0.3 only allowed bigrams, and so there were only 3 values to be printed, and no user control was allowed. d. --remove => allows for the removal of ngrams that fall below a given threshold. Scores dont show the ngrams that are removed. e. --newLine => prevents ngram from spanning across the new line character. Version 0.3 always considers the new line character to be a white space character. f. --extended => creates an 'extended' output where the values of switches used are also output. Program --------------------- 1. Salient changes: a. Support for n-grams, as opposed to only bigrams. b. Performs error handling for library routines and allows routines to throw errors. 2. New switches in version 0.5: a. --ngram => allows user to specify the size of incoming ngrams. b. --set_freq_combo FILE, --get_freq_combo => allows user to specify what frequency values are available for the ngrams in the incoming ngram list file. c. --extended => informs that incoming ngram file may have extended data in it and also requests to create its own extended data in the lines of above. Program ---------------- 1. Salient changes: a. Changes in inputs: This program no longer takes as input two libraries and one frequency file to compute the rank correlation coefficient. Instead it takes as input two files containing the same ngrams sorted using two different statistical measures, and then computes the rank correlation coefficient for the ngrams that are pressent in both the files. using the two files. b. Changes in outputs: As before this program outputs the correlation coefficient. Unlike before however the ngrams and their ranks are not output since these are already available in the input files. 2. Helper script: We provide a helper script to emulate the program of BSP version 0.3. See Readme.txt for more information on this script.